Climbing / Overhead Walkthrough 3

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Climbing / Overhead Walkthrough 3

Review Question

Question: Why would this type of access to a play structure not be adequate for preschool children?

A.) Flexible climbers are not recommended as the sole means of access to equipment.
B.) Equipment is in poor condition.
C.) Preschoolers don’t like to play on composite structures.

Flexible climbers are not recommended as the sole means of access to equipment.


Steps are provided in addition to the flexible climbing access on this play equipment.

Climbing / Overhead Walkthrough 3

Additional Guidelines and Recommendations

  • Flexible climbers that provide access to platforms are securely anchored at both ends.
  • All anchors connecting flexible climbers to the ground are installed beneath ground level and protective surfacing.
  • Connections between ropes, cables, chains or tires are securely fixed and regularly inspected/maintained.
  • Free standing flexible climbers are not recommended for toddlers or preschool children.
  • Spacing between horizontal and vertical components of a climbing grid do not form entrapment hazards.

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