Fall Protection & Use Zones Walkthrough 7

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Fall Protection & Use Zones Walkthrough 7

Review Question

Question: What is the problem with the design of this playground?

A.) Bike path route (white cement path) should not go through the play area.
B.) Poured rubber surfacing is not appropriate for public playgrounds.
C.) Swings are on the outside edge of the play area.

Bike path route (white cement path) should not go through the play area.


Activity paths/routes (for bikes, pedal carts, miniature trains, etc.) don’t route through areas where children are playing and can be hit.

Fall Protection & Use Zones Walkthrough 7

Additional Guidelines and Recommendations

  • Safe use zones are established and maintained around all play equipment and activities in the play area.
  • Equipment and activities are spaced to prevent injuries caused by conflicting activities and children running between activities.
  • Heavily used equipment should be located in different areas to prevent crowding.
  • Activities that may present a hazard (paint ball, horseshoes, etc.) are designed so visitors cannot inadvertently wander into the area.
  • Use zones are kept free of objects and debris that children could trip over, run into or fall on top of and be injured.

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