Liability Laws

Agritourism Laws Some states have enacted legislation that limits your liability if you are conducting agritourism activities on your property. The National AgLaw Center Research website has a section on “State Agritourism Statutes”.1 However, it is noted on the website that it is updated every six months, so keep in mind that laws do change and new ones are enacted….

Equipment Do’s & Don’ts Walkthrough 8

…hazards and repair/replace as needed. Play equipment should be: Free of broken or missing parts. Free of rust, slivers or peeling paint. Plastic equipment should be free of cracks and holes. No bolt ends, screws, nails or other protrusions extend beyond 1/16”. All play equipment and structures are also checked regularly for unwanted pests, nests, beehives, etc. Previous Next Slide…

Water Safety & Attractive Nuisances Walkthrough

…endangers their safety. Open pits, manure storage areas, stacked hay bales, ladders, grain bins, tools and equipment can all be attractive nuisances. However, many attractive nuisances are less obvious such as unfenced swimming pools and abandoned refrigerators. Whether the hazard is due to some type of water or to attractive nuisances, steps should be taken to reduce the likelihood of…

About the Center

…areas. They also provide leadership for the Childhood Agricultural Safety Network (CASN), a coalition of organizations that work together to keep children safe on farms and ranches. Using materials from this website (on farm/personal use): The materials on this website are intended to be used to enhance the safety of agritourism operations. Many of these resources are intended to be…

Large Animal Safety Walkthrough Conclusion

…important for these employees to be trained, knowledgeable, and experienced in large animal handling practices for all types of large animals they will be working with. Dr. Temple Grandin’s website provides information on this type of animal handling.2 Resources 1 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Website 2 Dr. Temple Grandin’s Website You have completed the Large Animal Safety walkthrough. Use…


These walkthroughs are designed to improve the health and safety of visitors to agritourism operations. The walkthroughs contain review questions and correction data. Review Question Contains a picture with a question for review. Once you answer the question, you will be shown the correction data. Correction Data Contains a picture showing the correction. Information is provided to clarify the corrections….

Corn Maze Safety Walkthrough 2

Review Picture Loading Picture… Review Question Question: Does this path through the corn maze present any trip hazards? Yes No Yes, there are trip hazards on this path. Correction Paths in the corn maze are free of debris and other trip hazards. Additional Guidelines and Recommendations Paths should be kept free of ruts, holes and bumps. Paths should be checked…

Other Equipment Walkthrough 6

Review Picture Loading Picture… Review Question Question: Are the steering wheels on this play panel appropriate? Yes No No, the steering wheels are not appropriate; they need to be completely enclosed. Correction The steering wheel on the play panel is completely enclosed. Additional Guidelines and Recommendations Steering wheels and all components of play panels need to be free of pinch,…