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When guests arrive at the agritourism operation, if possible employees should take a few moments to communicate health and safety information:
- Inform guests about the operation’s rules and any specific hazards.
- Explain how following the rules will keep them safe.
- Develop a Visitor Orientation sheet for employees to use to orient guests to the operation.
- Inform guests what to do in case of an emergency, and explain the pertinent parts of the Emergency Response Plan.
- Explain where they can find Emergency information posted throughout the farm. “In Case of Emergency” signs are posted around the farm listing the farm’s emergency contact person, emergency phone numbers, the farm’s address and phone number.
- Check to ensure that children attending without parents have Medical Information and Informed Consent Forms available.
- Ask about any allergies visitors may have.
- Explain where restrooms & handwashing facilities are, and when to wash hands.