Equipment & Components

Equipment & ComponentsProfessionally designed, manufactured and tested equipment/components:

  • When available, any item used on agritourism operations should be professionally manufactured, then tested and listed by a reputable testing laboratory. Examples include Underwriters Laboratory (UL), FM Global and Intertek.
  • Equipment used on agritourism operations should also be commercial grade (picnic tables, kitchen equipment, market shelves, pumpkin wagons, etc.). Equipment made for personal use does not typically stand up to the extended/prolonged use that happens on an agritourism operation.
  • Homemade equipment and components are not desirable. Having a product tested and listed by a 3rd party ensures adequate research, design and manufacturing practices including a quality assurance program.
  • Purchasing manufactured items adds an additional layer of liability that may help insulate the agritourism operator from liability associated with damage caused by or contributed to homemade items.

Playground equipment:

  • Most insurance companies utilize the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Public Playground Safety Handbook1,2 for information on playground equipment. This publication describes items such as planning and design of play spaces, age appropriate equipment, design and ground surfacing materials, pinch points, and many more topics.
  • Equipment used in your agritourism operation should be designed for public use. Equipment designed for home play areas is built to different standards and does not typically stand up to the heavy use seen on most agritourism operations.
  • The Play Area walkthroughs and checklists available on this website are based upon the CPSC regulations and will help you comply with these standards.
