Walkways, Surfaces & Structures Walkthrough Conclusion

You have completed the Walkways, Surfaces & Structures walkthrough. Use the buttons below to print out a checklist for this topic, return to the Walkthroughs overview page or access additional related content from the Resources section. Checklist Walkthrough Topics Resources…

Traffic & Parking Walkthrough Conclusion

You have completed the Traffic & Parking walkthrough. Use the buttons below to print out a checklist for this topic, return to the Walkthroughs overview page or access additional related content from the Resources section. Checklist Walkthrough Topics Resources…

Machine Safety Walkthrough Conclusion

You have completed the Machine Safety walkthrough. Use the buttons below to print out a checklist for this topic, return to the Walkthroughs overview page or access additional related content from the Resources section. Checklist Walkthrough Topics Resources…

Hand Washing & Restrooms Walkthrough Conclusion

You have completed the Hand Washing & Restrooms walkthrough. Use the buttons below to print out a checklist for this topic, return to the Walkthroughs overview page or access additional related content from the Resources section. Checklist Walkthrough Topics Resources…

Food Safety Walkthrough Conclusion

You have completed the Food Safety walkthrough. Use the buttons below to print out a checklist for this topic, return to the Walkthroughs overview page or access additional related content from the Resources section. Checklist Walkthrough Topics Resources…

Corn Maze Safety Walkthrough Conclusion

You have completed the Corn Maze Safety walkthrough. Use the buttons below to print out a checklist for this topic, return to the Walkthroughs overview page or access additional related content from the Resources section. Checklist Walkthrough Topics Resources…

Barriers & Fencing Walkthrough Conclusion

You have completed the Barriers & Fencing walkthrough. Use the buttons below to print out a checklist for this topic, return to the Walkthroughs overview page or access additional related content from the Resources section. Checklist Walkthrough Topics Resources…

Medical Payments & Liability Coverage Issues

If the activities you offer are excluded from your policy, medical payments and liability coverage will typically be denied. Generally farm/ranch or commercial policies provide coverage for injuries or accidents you are found liable for. Your insurance provider could exclude specific activities related to your agritourism operation that they are not comfortable insuring. During your review with your insurance agent,…

Insurance Information for Agritourism Operators

When you add agritourism activities to your farm, it is important to ensure you have adequate insurance coverage—and this can be challenging. The information provided on the following pages is intended to help educate agritourism operators on some of the common issues they may face when pursuing insurance coverage for their operations. Every insurance company varies in the coverages they…

Supervision Walkthrough Conclusion

…serving as chaperones and adult/child ratios.2 Resources 1 Child Supervision Policy Template 2 Child Supervision Informational Handout You have completed the Play Areas – Supervision walkthrough. Use the buttons below to print out a checklist for this topic, return to the Walkthroughs overview page or access additional related content from the Resources section. Checklist Play Area Walkthroughs Walkthrough Topics Resources…